Friday, August 9, 2019

Sports Science - Journal Article Critique Essay

Sports Science - Journal Article Critique - Essay Example lete or soccer player, very few studies have thoroughly investigated the important correlation between a players maximal strength and his or her potential sprint or vertical jumping performance. A correlational quantitative research approach was employed in the study. Based on their findings, the authors observed that maximal strength in squat positions was a critical determinant of both the sprint performance and vertical jumping height in high level athletes and soccer players. They further noted that high squat strength did not affect the maximal oxygen consumption of the players (Wisloff et al. 2004, p.288). The conclusion was that Elite athletes and soccer players should always focus to improving their maximal strength during training with particular emphasis on maximal movement mobilization in order to enhance their sprint and vertical jump performance. This journal article critique seeks to identify and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article based on my personal judgment of the general aspects of the article, accuracy of the findings as well as its relevance to my field of practice. Written by the authors Wisloff, U., Castagna, C., Helgerud, J., Jones, R. and Jan Hoff, the article â€Å"Strong correlation of squat strength with vertical jump height and sprint performance among elite soccer players† sought to investigate the likely relationship between an athlete’s maximum strength and his potential sprint or jumping performance. The article is fairly well written in terms of the general aspects of their article including the appropriateness of the title, abstract, statement of the problem, data collection and analyses as well as the dissemination of the results. For example, the title of the article is not only appropriate and relevant to the concept under study but also contains the key words related to the study topic. The abstract is also fairly well written both in terms of its succinct overview of the main aspects of the

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