Monday, September 30, 2019

How the Media Gives the Pit Bull a Bad Name

Dog breeders are often confronted with the truth that the media have no idea about dog breeds. Neither do they have an idea of what makes a â€Å"dangerous dog†. Due to their misreporting of facts regarding various breeds, they have instilled an unwarranted fear in society when it comes to certain dogs, most specially, the pit bull. No dog is untrainable nor are they born vicious. Although most dogs are sociable, loving and fun, dogs like the Pit Bull are genetically predisposed to animal aggression.There are actually several breeds of the Pit Bull that include the Terrier line like the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Bull Terrier and the American Bulldog. Once the poster dog representing America in the World Wars, the breed has gone from a beloved breeds used on television shows from Our Gang to Little House on the Prarie, to headlines of your local newscasts.The media has represented the breed as a vicious attack dog eve n as Pit Bulls continue to work in the armed services, search and rescue efforts, therapy, and dog competitions. If a Pit Bull were truly a vicious animal, it is really doubtful that it would be the breed of choice for any of these human interaction services.   The Pit Bull is normally of a tenacious, courageous nature and displays a love for their humans. It takes a huge commitment on the master's part to train such a breed. But the training is eventually worth it. The dog just cannot mingle with other dogs due to the aggression the dog poses toward its fellow dogs.The media needs to be educated to some facts about the Pit Bull. Such as, even though the Put Bull ranks number one in breeds in the USA, it does not rank number 1 in biting. The Golden Retriever has been proven to be the more aggressive dog. A Pit Bull posing a danger to children is also a myth that the media propagates. No dog should ever be left unsupervised in the company of children.Pit Bulls have also become the staple of urban mythology because people tend to fear the way they look even though the dog is of a small size. It has not helped that media reports have fuelled the hype that has seen the breed become one of the most persecuted breeds today. Dog attacks are most often the result of bad breeding and training.If a dog farm raises the Pit Bull, one can assume that the dog has led a rough life full of mistreatment and neglect. That is not the case for all the dogs of this breed. Sadly, people would rather believe the worst of the dog rather than give it a chance to prove that is loving, kind, and playful. Pit Bull bites are over hyped and not representative of the real Pit Bull situation. According to the website Save the Pits! :The 2004 statistics from the American Temperament Test Association show that 83.4% of American Pit Bull Terriers passed the temperament test. This is higher than the Beagle (78.2%) and the Border Collie (79.6%). The temperament test consists of putting the dog through a series of confrontational situations – if the dog reacts aggressively or fearfully, it fails.Those who report the news have to understand that there is a difference between Animal Aggression and Human Aggression. The truth of the matter is that dogs themselves can differentiate the two aggression types. Put Bulls are unlawfully bred and trained by unscrupulous breeders to participate in dog fights so animal aggression exists in the breed. Pit Bulls love human interaction and are not even capable of differentiating between a pet loving human and a potential attacker. In the event it does bite a human, it can be rehabilitated by an animal behaviorist.The media continues to tarnish the Pit Bulls reputation with unwarranted reports. The public must be educated about Pit Bull misconceptions because the media has never been known to be receptive of anybody telling them they are wrong.The Pit Bull is easily confused with about 10 other breeds. There have been actual bite r eports done that report a Pit Bull as the attacker but later investigations prove it was not a Pit Bull. The media does not bother to report that.Sensationalist reporting by the media has turned the Pit Bull into an under dog. Dog bites are blown out of proportion with headlines that strike fear in the reader's hearts.   The reason for this is clearly explained by the Save the Pits! Article:Thanks to the media and general sensationalism, the Pit Bull is a newsworthy dog. In this country, bad news makes the national papers and sells more than good news, which just tends to make the local papers. The media has transformed the Pit Bull from what it used to be – America's favorite dog – into the devil dog that it is today. No one wants to see a story with the title ‘Man bitten by Labrador' or ‘Man bitten by Jack Russell'. Stories involving Pit Bulls are much more newsworthy, and unfortunately their popularity does not seem to be waning.Until dog breeders, tra iners, and owners can find an effective way to stop the maligning of the Pit Bull by the media, the poor dog will be unjustly accused of and punished crimes it is not capable of committing.Work CitedPit Bull Training Secrets. 2006. PitBullTrainingSecrets.US. February 23, 2007Animals and Pets. Save the Pits!.February 23, 2007 Orphans of Southern California. Dangerous Breeds. February 23, 2007

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Motivation Work Performance

High performance organizations are those organizations with a culture that is flexible and encouraging dynamism, inventions, knowledge sharing, allowing diversities in working across boundaries, stimulates its people to be high performers; it is based on certain values and a great place to work.These key elements are believed to be what encourages the employees to be performing highly.Researchers use these organizations to find out several barriers as a result of cultural variations that subsequently contribute to low performance in the organization (Sanford and Bracey 1977).Such organizations have a pure formal structure of administration of which the positions in the organization have professionals. Any informality in the organization disqualifies it from being a high performance organization, since it has to have clear means of communication without misunderstandings from either the source, or towards the source.Members of such organization put mechanism in place that act in a med iating capacity to help resolve any arising matters that may result into a problem of the future e.g. if a member is rejecting another’s opinion then he is considered by being appraised positively in order to generate new opinions.Groups are people sharing one commonality. They (groups) exist because of a common interest that is necessary for the survival of individuals belonging to the group. An example of a group is the community which has a complex commonality.Groups can be informal and others can be formal depending with each one group’s interest. Group of young boys (peer group) can not be considered to be formal because of its nature of operation, even though they have their rules, regulations, code of conducts, and valued opinions amongst themselves. All the above mentioned about a peer group is not written anywhere, they all adapt to those factors through the natural process of learning as they socialize one another in relation to the society they live in. For such groups it is either you abide by the set standards in order to fit in, even if it is that bad, you either do it as a way of showing solidarity. Refusal whatsoever displays deviance and it could lead to punitive measures at times it could be death or rejection.In some instances it is correct to say that a group can improve itself till it gets to the status of a high performing organization. Some things have to be observed so that a group can finally increase its performance for better. The informal status of a group has to be changed; in that case it should have a formal procedure in terms of handling matters related to the affairs of the group. The other important initiative to consider is the manpower, and the availability of staff that are professionally fitting in the capacity they occupy in that group (Anderson 2001)Many groups have taken an initiative to offer their employees equal chances in terms of pursuing further education, or granting employees’ funds for stud ies. Such a move has a positive impact on the progress of the group towards becoming a high performer in future.Motivation is a concern of study that has varied approaches on how to define it, even though describing it seems a little more understandable and common to many of us i.e. running home very fast because of a possible down pour in the next ten, or so minutes. In such a situation is it the rain, or a person own determination and willingness to run that can be accounted for that state of motion, or action?Let’s consider here the fact that one energizes himself after thinking that he will be wet in no time unless h/she does something about it. Motivation can be described as a human’s internal state of being in need, or having a desire towards achieving a set goal, that goal is a target which acts as the source of energy we use while we engage ourselves in a goal directed/oriented behavior. This goal oriented behavior is believed to persistently continue until we achieve our set goal. Motivation thus can be said to be an activity that is result oriented, while we undergo an internal experience.Hertzberg’s two-factor-theories- of work and motivation, it is a clear and very simple theory which tends to confine itself to a circle of activities that revolve around the human-work relationship. As the theory goes it starts with satisfaction and dissatisfaction. In between the two is a neutral state; satisfaction is achieved through motivation which entails several other factors that make it achieve the state of satisfaction, they include; achieving the set goals, to move forward by advancing in whatever one is pursuing, being recognized as an important person, or personnel   in the organization, or place of work.Dissatisfaction is believed to be accelerated by several other factors that are coined into one title; hygiene factors, this factors include, low salary pay that really make one undergo too much constraints in his day to day budge ting while attempting to make ends meet, the other one is the company policies which are at times unfavorable to the employees by putting them on toes all the time throughout the working time at times draining the workers to the point of performing poorly; hence being in a constant conflict with management, the other factor is work mates who might not be getting along well with one of the employees; or even amongst themselves, one might feel out placed in such a situation, another last but not least hygiene factor is the supervisory styles from the management; supervisors at times are always a headache to employees because they at times clash at work with their juniors because most supervisors are poorly trained, of which it would have been better in the maintenance of good work relationship and performance in the company.A point to note is that when one will attempt to manage dissatisfaction h/she will get to the neutral state, and he needs to put in motivational factors in order t o achieve satisfaction (Steers and Porter, 1987).Leaders are people who are thought to be intelligent than the persons they lead this assumption is based on the fact that they (leaders) have a greater influence to the people they lead than how the people can influence them. Leaders be it political ones, religious ones, diplomatic leaders, traditional leaders, or spiritual leaders all of them have a following they command and at times these leaders are used to influence the people they lead in order to satisfy certain goals. People in organizations will always respect their bosses simply because they are above them; and that they lead them especially those people heading unions that represent the rights of workers, students and religious based organization, most of the time they are taken seriously, even in times of declaring protests, demonstration, riots, strikes, and many more activities such as ejecting other people in offices simply because their territorial leaders have declare d.Employees’ team spirit is a major contributor towards motivation at work places because of several other factors, including the relationship amongst them, and with the management. Good relationship is needed in all direction so that it improves the blame game that always interferes with group motivational abilities. Most employees will be seen as competing among one another only to spoil so much, this is a negative type of motivation since they have not realized how harmful the competition is to them. Hence employees need to realize they are one against many others out there, as a matter of concern they should convert their motivation of competing against one another, into a motivation of competing with the outside competitors.The managerial staff is in charge of many functions that go on in the organization and that they have the ability to influence employees positively and ethically in order to make them productive at will without violating the code of ethics. Employeesà ¢â‚¬â„¢ rights should be observed carefully because it is very hard at times to realize that one is oppressing employees more so if the part of pay is high and the working conditions are bad. Employees   should provided with transport services to enable them to get to work early and at the end of the day they appreciate what they are offered since they remain with an excess that would have gone towards payments of transportation costs.ConclusionHigh performance organization can be defined as agro up setting only that it has way far standard than that of an ordinary group we all feel is still immature in a number of ways, although   it is hard maybe for some people to understand such a comparison because, generally the two are made up of people.Groups ought to be motivated   by giving them examples of high performing organization, the trend of their success so that they see it as an achievable value of improvement, otherwise its easy for members of a group to disbelieve and dis miss claim that a group can grow into an outstanding performer in future. Many might be believing that, unfair means e.g. corruption might work fast towards achieving the high status.Motivation theories at times don’t simply agree to one thing as a contributing factor of motivation, why are we doing things we always do? Money is a form of external extrinsic factors of motivation we encounter in our day to day life not to forget other extrinsic factors such as promises of reward if one performs best at a given work., threat to do something; like running fast to avoid being mugged, scrambling for little food in order not to starve is intrinsic factor of motivation, but salivating to food upon seeing them on display is an extrinsic factor of motivation. Such ways of describing how motivational factors work need a closer understanding by reading almost the whole explanation of how motion is related to our environment, physiology, society, and our psychology.ReferencesAnderson. N. 2001. Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organization Psychology. Sage, ISBN 0761964894.Sanford. C. A and Bracey. J. H 1977. Human Relationship: The Theory and Practice of Organizational Behavior.Merill. ISBN 0675085055.Steers, R M. and Porter. W 1987 Motivation and Work Behavior.NY McGraw-hill

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Applied Linguistics - Manglish Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 26500 words

Applied Linguistics - Manglish - Dissertation Example --------- 36 Copula ‘be’ ----------------------------------------------------- 38 Modals ----------------------------------------------------------- 39 Stative verbs in the progressive ------------------------------ 41 Clause structure ------------------------------------------------ 41 Other syntactic variational features ------------------------- 43 2.2.3 Syntax of the ME basilect ------------------------------------------------------- 46 2.3 Phonology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 2.3.1 ... apter Three: The Use of English in Malaysia ------------------------------------------- 58 3.1 From English to Bahasa Malaysia in Post-Colonial Malaysia ---------------------- 59 3.2 The return of English to Modern Malaysia -------------------------------------------- 66 3.3 The importance of English in Malaysia today ----------------------------------------- 70 Chapter Four: Discussion and Conclusion --------------------------------------------------- 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 APPENDIX: Malay Borrowings in ME --------------------------------------------------------- 99 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Features of Sociolects of Malaysian English --------------------------------------- 14 Figure 2: Modal Verbs in SBE, ME and BM -------------------------------------------------- 33 Figure 3: A Comparative Presentation of the Responses of a SBE Speaker and a ME Basilect Speaker to Variopus Situations ------------------ ------------------- 40 ABSTRACT The emergence of ‘New Englishes’ in non-native English speaking countries, like Malaysia, has become an interesting area of research study in linguistics. A lot of the data for this dissertation comes from a survey of previous related studies, and from Malaysian newspapers, magazines, television and the like, which are illustrative of Malaysian English. To this pursuit, this descriptive non-experimental research on the development of Malaysian English seeks to answer the question: What has contributed to the development of Malaysian English as it is today? This study starts with the historical development of English in Malaysia. Then it continues by identifying the affected specific linguistic features. The differences between Malaysian English and

Friday, September 27, 2019

My essay may pose a policy argument, or a definition-based argument

My may pose a policy argument, or a definition-based argument. or a causation-based argument, or an evaluation argument - Essay Example not have been supported prior to September 11, it does seem acceptable - and reasonable - to profile people who appear to be Arab since they are perceived to be the group that hate Americans and are willing to die to make their point. The case can be made that this type of limited racial or ethnic profiling is necessary considering the new reality that exists post 9/11. I would like to emphasize at the outset, that the profiling addressed in this essay is of a relatively limited nature - focusing on security measures at airports or any other areas of the transportation industry that may be a potential target of terrorists. In this regard, here are two facts to consider. First: Out of the 19 hijackers on those four planes that were hijacked on September 11, all 19 were Arabs. Second: Although most Arabs are definitely not terrorists, it does appear that most terrorists are Arabs. Indeed, â€Å"Of the 22 suspects on the FBIs "most wanted" list of international terrorists, all are Arabic, all are practitioners of Islam and all come from known state incubators of terrorism in the Middle East.† (Riley 2001) Lest we think that primarily white Americans are proponents of this radical thinking, note the results from a Gallup Poll that was published in The Boston Globe: 71% of black respondents said they would favor more intensive security checks for Arabs, including those who are U.S. citizens, before they boarded planes; 57% of whites said they would favor such a policy; and 63% of other nonwhites said they, too, would favor it. So it would appear from this poll, as well as others, that a clear majority of the population is undeniably in favor of profiling Arabs as a means of increasing National Security. However, this is America - and in America we do not accept the profiling of an entire group of our citizens - racially, ethnically, or otherwise. If you think that is true, you would be mistaken. In reality, there are two specific areas in which racial profiling not

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Consumer Purchasing and the Rehabilitation Industry Coursework

Consumer Purchasing and the Rehabilitation Industry - Coursework Example Studies show that consumers have provided the impetus for economic recovery in many countries, including the US. In the wake of the US economic recession following 9/11, for example, the employment rate declined, wages stagnated, personal incomes struggled, but consumers were spending 10 percent more than the levels before the crunch. What happened was the consumers deferred their household mortgage and non-mortgage payments (housing and car loans, mostly) to pay for their daily consumption (Lilly, S. (2005). This means that come hell or high water, the consumer market is always there to lap up any brands that fulfill their needs. But precisely because the economy is in a strait jacket, producers of consumer goods and services need to navigate a minefield of challenges presented by a market made up of consumers who would only part with their hard-earned money if the brands offered to them have enough pulling power to influence their purchasing decisions. Logically, competition has ti ghtened up not only for the consumer market for goods but also for professional services, such that even the latter sector now calls for a branding strategy. The same thing goes for recruitment activities, which now use the branding approach to bag the most capable talents and personnel. Brand i Brand is the sum total of all that is known, thought, felt and perceived about a company, its product or service. It is the process of making products and companies into brands. The consumers' response to brand revolves around its image, and a strong and positive brand image influences consumers into making the decision to purchase. The marketer's principal goal is to build a relationship with buyers, not only for a single sale but also for the long term. The essence of this relationship consists of a strong bond that may be established between brand and buyer. Marketing concepts traditionally associated with the goods industry has been adopted in the service industry due to pressures exerted by rising prices and increased competition. Like all other industries, the rehabilitation industry has been buffeted by changes in technology and local economies. As in marketing for products, promotional efforts for the service sector now also put quality and customer satisfaction at the front burner. This discursive essay puts forward selected facts and theories about branding, the new challenges in marketing brands to a stingier and pickier consumer market, how bonds are established and maintained between brand and buyer, and how brands dictate the pace and scope of consumer purchasing. The essay also tracks down the journey of branding into the service industry, paying particular attention to the rehabilitation sector, which by necessity has evolved from its purely voluntary configuration into an industry as highly competitive as the market for consumer goods. II. Literature Review Haynes, A., et al. (1999) enthuse at the comprehensive brand presentation (CBP) technique, a formalized approach that aligns the manufacturing and

Managerial economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Managerial economics - Assignment Example 6) Firms competing in a perfect competitive market industry in most cases have little motivation for competition due to knowledge on the market dynamics (Baumol 67). As a result, their understanding of the market hampers the growth and need for incentives for developing technology. Changing consumer trends, the stature and change of traditional target markets could encourage development of research so that these trends can be monitored and dealt with effectively. For instance, young people are difficult to understand since they change their trends and preferences dynamically (Baumol  68). 1) a) MTA is monopolistic in the New York Area and it poses a great deal of control over the transport market in the New York Area. This is because despite the drop in the vehicle numbers, MTA still had the opportunity to increase the toll charges for accessing and using the roads and bridges. This strategy and move is a monopolistic move since it does not conform to the rules of demand and supply (Baumol 70). b) MTA could set small toll charges for them to maximize on profit to be realized in using the toll service. This is because this strategy would not increase the expense but it would lead to increased revenue. Increase in vehicles numbers is related to the reduced toll charges (McConnell  46). c) The best decision would be to lower the tolls fees because this would the help in increasing in the customer/vehicle numbers (McConnell  91). On the other hand, increasing the vehicle numbers would make more money through revenues to MTA. 2) a) The strategy of increasing the ticket prices could work for QuadPlex in its push to make more earnings and profit. This is because; QuadPlex theatre enjoys monopoly in the cinema business in Idaho Falls. b) The market power for QuadPlex can be measured through the number of people who visit the cinema hall and the other alternatives forms of entertainment eating on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17

Journal - Assignment Example As a function of analyzing this dynamic, the following discussion will focus specifically upon two distinct minorities: African-Americans and Japanese Americans. With respect to African-Americans, not a great deal of benefit was achieved on their part as a result of the United States involvement in the Second World War. For the most part, racism, segregation, and the enforcement of Jim Crow laws within the South remained largely unabated. Faragher points out that the social norms and racial disparaties experienced by African Americans, specifically in the South, did not alter greatly as a result of WWII (Faragher, 691). However, it is also fair to note that many African-Americans were able to engage with the workforce in a manner that they had previously been unable to do. For instance, the high demand for labor and the production of war material created a need for all able-bodied employees to land their services to this effort. As such, African-Americans that had previously been passed over for factory jobs or production jobs were hired and began to learn valuable skills that were utilized once the Second World War concluded. In such a way, African-Americans indirectly benefited from the overall level of training and engagement in the workforce that the Second World War was able to provide. However, by means of comparison and contrast, their participation in combat was still segregated as compared to white soldiers and they were deemed as inherently less valuable by almost each and every military leader (Best 203). Likewise, in terms of the overall impact of the Second World War on Japanese Americans, the analyst should necessarily consider the fact that this particular conflict drastically reduced their standing within American society. It further partially destroyed their civil rights, and ultimately set this

Monday, September 23, 2019

The US Involvement In The Iraq War Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The US Involvement In The Iraq War - Case Study Example The basic point underscored in most analyses is the fact that the US intervention in Iraq was not based on justifiable grounds and, therefore, constitutes an act of aggression and interference. The US employed numerous tactics to justify the invasion through the assertion that Iraq was a threat to its security and that of the entire world. The assertion that Hussein’s regime possessed actual nuclear weapons was, perhaps, the best approach used by the United States in justifying the attack on the Gulf country. Therefore, the perceived threat of Saddam’s regime on global peace and security was at the heart of the justification of the US intervention in the Gulf conflict that resulted into the ousting of Saddam Hussein and his regime (Murphy 45). However, the unwarranted US involvement became a reality soon after the conclusion of the war; when it became apparent that Saddam’s threat to global society and safety was exaggerated to achieve a secret plan to overthrow his regime. There were no actual nuclear weapons found within the nation after the war. Therefore, to great extent, the US intervention was not justified as Iraq was not a threat to harmony, safety, and strength of America and the rest of the world. Background During the time when the intervention in Iraq was being prepared, the US government administrators and establishment pundits became self-proclaimed Middle East historians vigorously exposing the facts of Saddam Hussein's crimes – many were real, though some were simply imagined (Cimbala and Foster 33). Nevertheless, these same experts studiously shunned examining the well-detailed history of American and British actions – and crimes – concerning Iraq and its citizens.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cardiac changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cardiac changes - Essay Example This leads to enhanced impedance to left ventricular ejection, an elevated systolic arterial pressure, and consequent interstitial fibrosis and left ventricular hypertrophy. Also, an aging person experiences a decline in the proportion of myocardial relaxation. The left ventricle takes a long time to relax, becomes stiffer, and also takes a longer time to fill in diastole. This enhances the significance of a correctly timed atrial contraction in adding to an ordinary left ventricular end-diastolic size. In addition, getting old is linked to enhanced sinoatrial node conduction duration and a decrease in the intrinsic heart rate. The reaction to postural modifications is different between youthful individuals and elderly people as cardiac productivity is controlled by rising heart rate in the youthful individuals, in contrast to the elderly people who depend on a rise in stroke capacity to balance. Also, for the aged individuals, all through exercise the tachycardic reaction is lessene d. Cardiac production is controlled by a rise in stroke capacity in a number of people, while in other individuals there is no compensation and the capacity of aerobics is lessened. Finally, physiologic aging causes a prolonged isotonic contraction and a diminished velocity of shortening (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2011). The Altered Presentation and Modifications of Therapy Therapies that lessen, prevent, or deal with blood clots have been significant in lessening cardiovascular mortality or morbidity. One, administration of low dose aspirin has prolonged advantage in managing and preventing popular cardiovascular diseases, for example, coronary artery disease. In addition, the administration of aspirin has been significant in the initial prevention of stroke and heart attack in high risk elderly patients. Two, there has been the utilization of anticoagulation with warfarin for avoidance of stroke peripheral venous issues of a tremendous forms of surgical practices in dif ferent clinical attempts. Chronic warfarin therapy diminishes the most dreaded problems of stroke in older patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. Nonetheless, warfarin therapy needs recurrent blood tests for control of the dose (American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association, 2011). Three, older patients may undergo antihypertensive therapy. Antihypertensive therapy in older patients has been utilized for thiazide diuretics solely or together with beta blockers. Beta blockers or Thiazide diuretics have been recommended for therapy for elderly patients suffering from hypertension due to affordable costs and proven longevity advantages. Also, each drug dosage is usually regulated for disease-related and age modifications. Finally, there are therapies that have been modified to restore the sinus rhythm. This is usually taken into account in older patients with unusual cardiovascular function or atrial arrhythmias which is not easy to manage, or which is not of long-stand ing. Nonetheless, novel therapies are being established for specified signs that could offer better protection and easiness of utilization (American College of Cardiology, 2009). Identify Cardiovascular Diseases and Treatments As elderly individuals exist for long, they may suffer from a number of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, these people may suffer from a health condition that may lead to a different condition or damage if not adequately handled. There are a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How I Learned to Drive Analysis Essay Example for Free

How I Learned to Drive Analysis Essay In Paula Vogel’s â€Å"How I Learned to Drive†, we follow our protagonist nicknamed â€Å"Lil Bit† on a gut wrenching, and downright disturbing journey through her adolescence, told as a series of narrations, monologues, and flashbacks with the occasional interjection of a PSA like voice over. The play recounts the physical and emotional abuse Lil Bit encountered from the ages of eleven to eighteen at the hands of her uncle Peck, while he teaches her to drive. The main flaw I saw in Lil Bit was that she is too smart for her own good. You see this characteristic throughout the play as she manipulates Peck. For example, it was most obvious for me when their roles of adult and child are reversed, and Peck is explaining to Lil Bit what a good boy he has been for not drinking. Knowing how much Peck lusts after her she offers him a reward for his good behavior in the form of undoing her bra. Another great example is when prior to her and peck going on a road trip and Lil Bit’s mother indicates that she has a sense of what Peck has on his mind, she responds by saying â€Å"I can take care of myself. And I can certainly handle uncle Peck.† At this point in the story she is only eleven. It’s hard to imagine a child of that age so grown up emotionally. Overall, most of the characters had likeable qualities, with the exception of the grandmother. I didn’t really like the way she meddled in the Parenting of Lil Bit. I liked â€Å"Big Papa† the best. He’s a crabby old timer who speaks anything that comes into his head with reckless abandon. It brought me some levity in an otherwise melancholy play. The climax of the play occurs on Lil Bit’s eighteenth birthday. She and Peck are in a hotel room, and she’s been ignoring peck for some time leading up to this meeting as he’s been sending her cards counting down to her birthday. Lil Bit is obviously conflicted about their relationship now that she has gotten older, but Peck is looking forward to a time when it’s not illegal for them to be together. This is creepy enough on its own, but when Peck drops the marriage bomb, the creep factor skyrockets. I was honestly disgusted at the idea of a man leaving his wife to be with his niece whom he  has known since birth, blood related or not. Prior to the climax, one major event occurs and that is in the monologue that Aunt Mary delivers indicating that she knows what’s going on between Peck and Lil bit. The words used during this monologue, indicate to me a couple of key points about this character. First of all she is very intelligent. Her thoughts are well put together and the words she uses indicates to me that she has some sort of education. She is also very intuitive, she picks up on the subtle, non-verbal signals that peck gives off when he’s got something on his mind and presumably when he’s around Lil Bit. Also, the words used by Lil Bit in her different flashbacks have a direct correlation to her age. It’s obvious as you read them, that during the later ones she is forming more complex thoughts and emotions, which is indicative of growth. For the music in this play, Paula Vogel suggested period correct music spanning two generations. She mentions Motown several times, as well as Roy Orbison and the Beach Boys. Most of this music is romantic and happy with little hints of sexuality and sometimes-pedophilic references. For some weird reason the voice of the announcer in my head was played by the Moviephone guy. The car in the play was described as a Buick Riviera, but in my mind it was more like a Camaro or GTO. The main reason for this is the obvious relationship between Peck and his car. The way he describes the way the aggressive way men are taught to drive and the feeling of a cars’ response to your touch, just makes me think of those fast nimble sports cars. Taking place in the 1960’s, the costumes in my mind were bell-bottoms and flowered shirts, polyester leisure suits, and fringes all over the place. This was your typical 1960’s attire. I believe the overall theme of this play is about the effect of time on relationships. The relationship between Peck and Lil Bit starts out strong, for her and fragile for him. She has a strong male figure giving her attention while he is nurturing a relationship that he knows is illegal and  immoral. As time progresses, the roles ultimately reverse leaving Peck with much confidence in the relationship while Lil Bit comes to realize the truth about it which leads to its demise. It just goes to show that time will always change relationships, jus not always in the way you imagined.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Management Report On L Oreal Marketing Essay

A Management Report On L Oreal Marketing Essay INTRODUCTION The Management report that I am presenting here reflects a complete analysis of LOreal With some very significant aspect of the companys profile including companys overview and history. Also a brief idea about its products, and their brands. No business in this planet is free from weaknesses, which actually comes within the organisation and threats that acts as the external factors as a result of the business environment where it operates. We all know that SWOT analysis is actually an important instrument or an ideal measuring parameter of any organisation to determine its present value in the competitive business environment. Moreover to plan a strategic move in order to deal with any incompetences of the business. Therefore it becomes utmost important for this report to spill the beans on the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organisation followed by the external growth opportunity, and their rivals which is a threat for the organisation. In short we have to apply SWOT analy sis in order to get a transparent and true picture of the LOreal. Which I have attempted to present in a form of an ideal Management Report, as much as possible. The business world today is far more dynamic than we can ever think of; hence it calls for the evaluation of all the factors of the business, be it internal or external, technical or social. All these important aspects of the business need to be evaluated at frequent intervals. Therefore the dynamic nature of the business and the requirement of this report have made it compulsory to critical analysis the decision making factors and strategic policies in the wake of the globalisation and redefined business paradigm. Nevertheless in response to the present culture the feedback of LOreal has been given an equal importance in this report. In order to determine and deal with the effectiveness of response, in terms of current business scenario. The scope of any improvement in the responses from LOreal are dealt with great care and understanding. And this area of the report forms the recommendation and suggestion part. In addition it winds-up with the conclusion of the entire Management Report as a whole. LOREALS OVERVIEW HISTORY The name says it all; LOreal is the worlds renowned and biggest cosmetics and beauty Product Company. The company was founded by Eugene Schueller in year 1909. But now the company is controlled by the founders daughter Lilliane and in year 2009 LOreal has celebrated its 100 years of relentless service to the mass. Initially the company was registered as Societe Francaise de Teintures Inoffensives pourCheveus, in year 1909 in the days of it formation, but years later it was then named as LOreal. The company has four strong pillars of their entire business portfolio, namely Consumer Products, Luxury Products, Professional Products and Active Cosmetics. LOreal operates in some 130 countries with a complete range of 27 beauty products, in different segments of their business. To help LOreal achieve their goals and objective a dedicated strong team of 67,662 employees are engaged in the project of attaining the desired mission of LOreal. A century of expertise in the field of beauty care products is completely driven with innovation. That is reason why LOreal invests some 1/3 rd of their revenue is devoted to their RD department. LOreal holds a stake of 19.5 % in Sanofi/Synthelabo. Apart from this, a holding company Gesparal has 51% of LOreal share and the food giant from Switzerland Nestle hold the balance 49% of the Gesparal The success of LOreal stands on the strong foundation of 5 key area of expertise, Hair care, Hair colour, Skin care, Make-up and Fragrances. The revenue generated from LOreal is estimated to be more than 50% from outside of Europe. Acquiring other brands is one of the vital activities, in which LOreal is focusing to a great extent. LOreal has been a great platform for the young breeding talents through their global recruitment strategy. LOreal follows an equal opportunity program, therefore as a result of that its employee are from 110 nationalities, a classic example of cosmopolitan environment diversity Management. 97% of the LOreal factories are ISO approved. And LOreal operates 38 factories all over the world, manufacturing some 4.9 billions units in 2009. LOreal has the list following brands which includes Internal Analysis Strengths Unique vision The company was with a passion and a quest to transcending the border to make the world beautiful. The credit of outstanding success of the LOreal as a company goes without doubt to the vision of the concept of working as a team, which operates under the truly outstanding Director Lindsay Owen-Jones. Worlds prestigious Brand This French company has brought a revolution in the beauty product industry. A giant in manufacturing of some world class cosmetic for example Lancà ´me, Vichy and the brand for the mass like The body shop, Laboratories Garnier and Maybelline. The other brand includes Ralph Lauren Fragrances, Gemey Maybelline, Sanofi/Synthelabo Giorgio Armani Parfums, Soft Sheen-Carson, Galderma, and many more Strong RD Department The biggest asset or strength of the company is their relentless effort in RD department, which keeps a continuous effort toward finding new and innovative products in the field of beauty and cosmetics market. This contributes a great deal in the competitive market like beauty product industry, in not just making new customer but retaining old customer as well by offering a brand new product to their customer at frequent intervals at a global platform. Multiple product range LOreal has a strong product collection presence in the beauty product industry. Starting from hair care to skin care and from fragrances to styling products. The companys multiple product division like Consumer Products, Luxury Products, Professional Products and Active Cosmetics has made it unique in the global scenario. Dermatological Pharmaceuticals advancement The next great strength of the LOreal group is advance level of activity in the dermatological and Pharmaceuticals sectors, giving them a position of nano-technology patent holder in United States. Sound distribution channel Apart from this LOreal has a sound distribution channel and logistic department which helps a proper and smooth supply of its products, ensuring that the products are available to the maximum customers. The most expensive products and luxury items are distributed through duty-free shops and the department stores. And the hair care products are sold maximum from the hair salons. And the active cosmetics department sale their product via multiple beauty outlets and from pharmacies as well. Advance Advertisement strategy The strong advertisement strategy from LOreal puts the company miles ahead from its competitors. By understanding the requirement of the customer it succeeds it bringing to their customer the right product, through the deadly combination of marketing advertisement strategy. Weaknesses Organisational structure The company has grown enormously big, and there are various division and sub-division of the organisation, this has made the organisational sector a bit decentralised one, owing to its gigantic size. At times it becomes impossible to find out the exact division responsible for the pitfalls of the company. Low profit margin The company has got a numerous rivals, and to compete in the challenging market, the product pricing is considerably low compare to the other companies, and many times the profit does not meet the expectation of their own margin. To a great extent advertising and marketing of a high-end nature is highly a reason to a low return. Lack of control. The co-ordination and the control of LOreal is somewhat lacking due to its gigantic size. This is again observed as a negative point and as a setback. External Analysis Opportunities Infinite field The main fields of expertise of LOreal is the product of beauty care which truly provides an edge and a never ending opportunity to concentrate and keep developing and specialising in the various aspect of beauty care like hair colouring styling, skin care cosmetics and fragrances as well. Brand image The name of LOreal is more than enough for its consumers, because its been a leading brand in the fields of beauty for ages. The brand name itself gives LOreal a great opportunity to develop its business abundantly. Patent Rights Another great advantage is the chunk of their market share in this particular industry in which they operate. It gives them advantage to have the world class brands and various patent registered in their names. This gives them an edge over their rivals because the customer cannot get the same cosmetics in other brands. Threats Growing Competition The field of beauty product industry is vast; therefore everyday a new organisation is born. This raises the bar of growing competition for LOreal Economic turmoil The economics downturn is been witnessed very often in many countries for example USA, and Britain, this could possible be a great threat to the business opportunity and profit margin of LOreal. Many of the LOreal products are in the top line, which the basic customer will find it expensive especially in the times of credit crunch and recession. The impact of globalisation on LOreal Global expansion is at the heart of LOreal growth strategy. This French cosmetics and toiletries giant have experienced unmatched growth and success in the sector with an unparallel global expansion into new beauty-product markets. And these plans are executed under the sharp and judicious direction of Owen Jones, the chairman of the company. The business goes global because of its strategic vision, some 16 years back LOreal used to pocket 75% of the revenue from the sales of Europe, major from France, but by 2004, a total of 85% of its revenue generated, were outside France, we can cite this as a classic example of ideal globalisation. LOreal is a real global leader in every segment of its industry. Globalisation means inviting tougher rivalry with the international player at a global level. Therefore it has to be backed up with a mastermind global strategy that will give a cutting edge at a worldwide level, and a brand image of the organisation. But in order to internationalise, a business has to initiate lot of innovative and latest business tactics, at regular intervals for instance global entry strategy, proper marketing mix, standardisation, or adaptation of international policy and procedure etc. Let us analyse the global strategy that has put LOreal miles ahead of its rivals in the beauty industry. From the research and findings I have realize certain strategic decision making and policies formation of LOreal which can be said as the influence of globalisation. Acquisition strategy. To dream LOreal beyond the French borders is the milestone, as told to the fortune audience, and was considered to be his smartest move as CEO. As he told the Fortune audience, The defining moment for me was when I decided LOreal must become a world company and not just a French one. (Chairman LOreal) In the battle to reign global beauty market, LOreal has developed a winning formula, Consolidation which is considered as a lethal weapon to support their competitive strategy. The mastermind strategy of Owen Jones to buy local cosmetic brands, give it a facelift, and sell it in the international market has helped LOreal to gain a good market share in the beauty industry. Lets take a brief look at all the acquisition of LOreal. Maybelline LOreal makes a risky investment of $758 millions to acquire Maybelline in 1996, it head quarters were shifted to New York. The product line like nail polish and lipstick were given a complete transformation and launched with exciting new colours. The sales figure reflects a big rise in 2003, where 56% of total sales came from outside US. In Japan it become the hottest selling beauty products amongst teens, the products like curls mascara and volume express line were in growing popularity all over. Soft-Sheen- Carson A leader in hair care industry soft sheen was acquired by the giant LOreal in year 1998, and later on it went to acquire Carson product an ethnic manufacturer in hair and skin care. The mastermind Owen then merged two companies to form soft sheen- Carson in august 1998. The potential market of hair care product was targeted by LOreal. This was a global move to cover half of total African market, and currently LOreal control 41% of South African market. Kiehl Jones went further to buy Kiehl, a small cosmetics firm exactly going in contrast with the regular LOreal brand and products. Jones find it extremely interesting that the firm is doing exceptionally good. It main emphasis is on product quality, for the rest LOreal gives a bouncing life to the product by giving it a new look and proper product placement makes it well presentable in the international market at selected European stores. And these are done without ads or promotions. Shu Uemura To get a strong foot hold in Japan, LOreal went on further to takeover Shu Uemura as a part of strategic alliance with Japanese Shu Uemura, a cosmetic company rapidly stretching its presence in China and other Asian countries. The Body Shop LOreal gave a shocking surprise by gobbling up The Body shop in year 2005, such a small port folio. But it was strategic decision for going global and increasing its brand port folio when the company decided to go for a  £ 650m purchase of the ethical beauty retailer. This has a strong presence with 2550 outlets all over UK. Indeed a very smart move by the by acquiring this port folio, LOreal has built its ethical image in the market at a global level. And to book an image that the company is going natural and minimise its carbon footprints. Others Mininurse Yue-Sai are two small organisations that were respectively bought in 2003 2004 by LOreal as a strategy of global expansion, but now are performing excellent in the local cosmetic markets. Canan a specialist in hair care was a recent acquisition from Turkey in late 2007. In the recent past LOreal has been concentrating on higher end port folio. As a result to push its salon market, three more acquisition has been witnessed, Columbia Beauty Supply, Beauty Alliance and Malys. The purchase of YSL Beautà © is a step to give weight to its Luxury division. While to earn some brownie point on the dermatology market CollaGenex was acquired as well. Looking into the market latest trends for natural beauty remedy In a hunt to increase it footprints in natural and organic arena. Sanoflore was the next deal to freeze, which will give LOreal an additional brand in its Active Cosmetic Division. Therefore Sanoflore will join its group with Dermablend, La RochePosay, Ombrelle and SkinCeu ticals. But as the competition intensify, the company is looking ahead to have more acquisition in Asia market as well and make a strong presence in the world of beauty market by the instrument of this acquisition policy and growing as well in the port folio management. And in future it will continue to seek more acquisition targets in the emerging market.,15114,372136-1,00.html Strong logistics efficiency In the run to support the global recognition and other manufacturing strategies, the company has to depend on the strong logistic effiency. The availablity of the product to the end user is extremely vital to any organisation, LOreal is no exception, and therefore ensuring the product available to the outlets for everlasting satisfaction of the customer is one of the major goal of LOreal. It an has got an extremely strong distribution channel and logistic department, maintained by centrex the centre of supply chain management. LOreal partner group is developed with the supplier and the for the smooth supply of raw-material, container or packaging , equipments, point of sale or promotional items LOreal depends on its suppliers for all its plants, factories and warehousing supplies. LOreal continuous try to maximise the performance the supply chain management in order to improve time limit, imroving responsiveness etc. Centrex monitors all procurement orders and deals with it. In order to assure that the required level of service is achieved logistic department and the supply chain management has received special attention to suport the compamys strategic vision. Strength of R D LOreal has one of the most strong Research and development team in the field of beauty product development. It attract some 3400 expertise in 30 different discipline from multiple nationalities to build a strong RD team. The company have invested 625 million dollars in just dermatological research and cosmetic department, in year 2009. A total of 18 research centers worldwide and 13 evaluation centres operates to achieve the long tern growth. Some 500 scientist worked day and night to discover 5000 formulas each year. LOreal has filed 647 patent in year 2009, and 35,000 patents are active worldwide. It has amlost 1000 active allaince with leading academic research institution LOreal invest 1/3rd of its budget to the advanced research projects which is 3% of it revenue generated goes to the Research and Development department. The company owns the product development centres at New York, Paris, Dubai, Rio-de-Janeiro and shanghai. Therefore LOreal exploiting its research department qui ckly capitalise on latest consumer trends worldwide. In short the RD department has contributed to a great extent in making this company where it is today, in terms of global recognition and acceptance. Branding strategy LOreal branding strategy has given a gaint leap in support of the globalisation, and has helped to spread the business not only in Europe but worldwide. The company has a global presence over 150 countries which is possible only because it hold a very good brand image. The company follows a powerful and efficient branding strategy, which makes it possible to generate a steady flow of revenue year after year. As a result of the global branding strategy the LOreal achieved the impossible dream of becoming the largest cosmetic in the world. Whilst the global economy was in a downturn mode still the company made successful sales both in Asia and Latin America. It would not be wrong to say that the company has succeeded reaching across the French boundaries due to it brand reputation. Global portfolio management. LOreal holds some of the best names of the prestigious brands portfolios for their varied range of beauty products under one roof. Some renowned names include Lancà ´me, Maybelline, The Body Shop, Vichy Laboratories, Matrix Ralph Lauren Fragrances and so on and so forth. LOreal is very careful with brand portfolio Management like the quantum of water mixing to the moisturising cream. With the world of brands under its roof the port- folio management team has to be extremely cautious and judicious to place each brand in the right segment so that it does not affect its other brand market. This is hitting the right audience with the right product. LOreal response With respect to various challenges posed by the global business environment, LOreal has always come up with a solution, to stay ahead in the international market. Let us analyse the effectiveness of LOreal responses with regards to national and international issues of the business world. Table showing the responses to the situation LOreal response Pros Cons 1. Acquire Shu Uemura To achieve a place in Asian industry, and a bigger sales graph Fails to cater the Japanese market 2. Purchasing of Nivea Mid-segments market is filled up. Expose to Biersdorf. 3. Generate opportunity in dermatological and cosmetic field More sale and new customer Risk of losing if there is no strong market for dermo-cosmetic area. 4 Introducing new products for gaining more mileage. Increase revenue by opening up a new market for all brands. Inviting rivalry and more competition. 5. Diversify into clothes and accessories Using similar technique to gain competitive advantg. High risk in the new field and global player to deal with. 6. Form a brand new line of LOreal cosmetic stores. Brand products to be easily available Loss of capital if the stores does not work out as per planned and fail to generate increased sales figure. 7. Keep a got stock of all the products to tackle supply issues. A happy customer, not loosing sales, and retaining customers. Stock loss due to expiry date. Additional holding and shipping cost. Recommendations and suggestion The recommendation for the LOreal is that they should design more products to suit the Japanese market, and even selling the same products to Americans as the American market are more in more requirement of the ethnic Asian touch trends, by giving the products a brand new look with its latest packaging tools to make it look more authentic. A large section of American market is untouched; LOreal should plan to consider tapping those markets as well launching a similar strategy as in the African expansion. So far the South American market is largely untapped. By taking a similar approach perhaps even designing products for South American ethnicities. Since diversity management is at the heart of LOreal it should take a plunge and diversify into clothing and accessories, with the wealth of rich experience similar to the beauty product industry. A step into dermo-cosmetics lines must be beneficial in towards the progress of the company because there is a massive demand for such product which is an alternative for plastic surgery. LOreals should take advantage of its research and develop related products which will lead them ahead of their rivals. Chain stores of LOreal must be there to generate more sales and to bring confidence to their customer when they see the LOreal store rather than buying the LOreals products from other retail outlet. This in actually an untapped niche for big chain of cosmetic stores, for the LOreal products, would be ideally to fill this gap for the niche market. CONCLUSION LOreal in spite of the growing competition has become a giant in its domain. It success rest on the four pillars of their entire business portfolio, namely Consumer Products, Luxury Products, Professional Products and Active Cosmetics. And the main reason of it success are strength of RD team, effective organization structure, strong distribution channels, Brand portfolio management, Acquisitions Branding strategy. LOreal has a number of rivals like Estee Lauder is the main threat. Proctor Gamble, Unilever and Revlon in hair care segment. Avon a hardcore competitors in Russia, and Nivea control the mid segment market. LOreal need to concentrate a bit more towards Men care items, and avoid too much rivalry.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Developing Leadership and Communication Skills Essay -- Interpersonal

In the academic exercise given, I have chosen to discuss the topic Leadership and Communication, in which recommendations on how to develop effective interpersonal communication skills will be conferred. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the word ‘leadership’ is defined as the quality of being good at leading a group, organization, country, and etc. The word ‘Communication’ as explained by Donald Clark (1997), means the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another, and in the context of leadership and communication, I would suggest that communication is one of the essential elements of leadership. Effective communication between a leader and his or her members occurs when the group members catches the exact information or idea that the leader intends to convey. Many a time, physical and psychological barriers in communication filters the original message and causes misinterpretation among the group mem bers. However, there are several recommended ways on what a leader should do in order to improve communication in his or her organization. First and foremost, by keeping the language simple, it reduces the risk of confusion and misinterpretation of words to people of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and personal past experiences. The use of jargons within individuals from a society of similar profession is apparently inevitable, as it provides an easy way for people within the same field to discuss complex issues in a straightforward manner. For example, the use of jargons such as ‘PROM’ which is short for ‘Programmable Read Only Memory’ among computer programmers is common, as they are considered as ‘speaking the same language’. Unfortunately, people who do not belong ... ...e effectively done without a glitch. In conclusion, I believe that my suggestions above are able to mould one into a better leader, in terms of both speaking and listening. A leader should also keep his or her language simple and understandable to all parties to avoid any misinterpretations. One must also acquire good communication skills in order to successfully lead a group in fulfilling their task. Besides, a leader should also take up the role of a good motivator, coach, and counselor in order to bring out the spirit and joy of working together as a team. Words of encouragement and praise should also never fail to slip from the lips of a leader, and of course, feedbacks from all will forever be a vital aspect to advance and develop in all perspectives. Hence, I would like to conclude that a good leader will never fail to bring out the best of his people. Developing Leadership and Communication Skills Essay -- Interpersonal In the academic exercise given, I have chosen to discuss the topic Leadership and Communication, in which recommendations on how to develop effective interpersonal communication skills will be conferred. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the word ‘leadership’ is defined as the quality of being good at leading a group, organization, country, and etc. The word ‘Communication’ as explained by Donald Clark (1997), means the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another, and in the context of leadership and communication, I would suggest that communication is one of the essential elements of leadership. Effective communication between a leader and his or her members occurs when the group members catches the exact information or idea that the leader intends to convey. Many a time, physical and psychological barriers in communication filters the original message and causes misinterpretation among the group mem bers. However, there are several recommended ways on what a leader should do in order to improve communication in his or her organization. First and foremost, by keeping the language simple, it reduces the risk of confusion and misinterpretation of words to people of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and personal past experiences. The use of jargons within individuals from a society of similar profession is apparently inevitable, as it provides an easy way for people within the same field to discuss complex issues in a straightforward manner. For example, the use of jargons such as ‘PROM’ which is short for ‘Programmable Read Only Memory’ among computer programmers is common, as they are considered as ‘speaking the same language’. Unfortunately, people who do not belong ... ...e effectively done without a glitch. In conclusion, I believe that my suggestions above are able to mould one into a better leader, in terms of both speaking and listening. A leader should also keep his or her language simple and understandable to all parties to avoid any misinterpretations. One must also acquire good communication skills in order to successfully lead a group in fulfilling their task. Besides, a leader should also take up the role of a good motivator, coach, and counselor in order to bring out the spirit and joy of working together as a team. Words of encouragement and praise should also never fail to slip from the lips of a leader, and of course, feedbacks from all will forever be a vital aspect to advance and develop in all perspectives. Hence, I would like to conclude that a good leader will never fail to bring out the best of his people.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Poems of William Blake Essay -- William Blake English Romantic Poe

The Poems of William Blake What have you understood, from reading the poems of William Blake? William Blake, a late 18th century English Romantic poet uses traditional forms for his poetry in that he blends the ballad, the nursery rhyme and the hymn. The meaning he constructs from these forms however is far from traditional. His style was to express very complex ideas in very simple language and compressing a lot of deep meaning into often very short poems. Blake was a rebel and was over enjoyed when the French revolution liberated the repressed underclass. He wanted social equality but the industrial revolution just widened the gap between the rich and the poor. He often criticised the Establishment, especially the Church, for its hypocrisy and he was against things that prevented the human spirit from being free, therefore he disliked the rulings of kings and priests. All that surrounded him had an influence on his poetry. His poems are separated into innocence and experience, both opposites as Innocence has the sounds of laughter and joy the images of simplicity, children being protected, unthreatening animals like the birds and the lamb also beauty of nature, the roses and the non scary daylight, brightness and sunshine reflecting the creator's warm love. Next, experience which is something which you bring to yourself as time passes; here we hear sounds of crying, weeping, sighing and cursing. We see frightening animals like the tiger also the night which we associate with darkness, evil and sin. Blake compares innocence and experience by using; happiness and sadness, health and sickness, day and night, positive and negative emotions, beautiful nature and scary nature also the peaceful country a... I have learnt about the two opposite natures and the different states of being, it shows you how the times have changed and today's children have many more rights, but nature in all its excellence and beauty is still there and will never change. It portrays realism and the hardship that not only the children of that time had to face but all the poor, under privileged people. He captured his time using realism and the drudgery. He shows us unspoilt innocence and its saddening and moving how innocence can never last! Although Blake was not very well known throughout his life, he became a part of history creating some of the most passionate poetry of all time. He was an artist of great ability creating amazing pieces of work with profound simplicity encouraging and inspiring people around the world. Exercising the minds of many of us still to this day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alzheimer’s Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease Essays

Alzheimer’s Disease INTRODUCTION Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder of insidious onset, characterized by memory loss, confusion, and a variety of cognitive disabilities. It is the major cause of dementia in the elderly and is characterized by the presence of neuropathologic lesions including: neurofibrillary tangles in the neuronal perikarya and in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and neocortex, nucleus basalis of Meynert, and periaqueductal gray. Neuritic (senile) plaques often with a central or core deposition of amyloid within the plaque and in some cases with amyloid infiltration of blood vessel walls (amyloid angiopathy) and the adjacent perivascular neuropil; loss of neurons, most often in the hippocampus, neocortex, locus coeruleus, and nucleus basalis; and disturbance of acetylcholine transmitter activity marked by lowered levels of acetylcholine and choline acetyltransferase (4). ETIOLOGY Alzheimer’s disease may strike as early as age 40, but is most common after the age of 60. As the average life expectancy continues to increase so too does the incidence of AD. In its early stages it is difficult to distinguish from normal aging. However, whether AD is a specific qualitative disorder such as an infectious process, endogenous or exogenous toxic disorder or biochemical deficiency, or whether it is a quantitative disorder, in which an acceleration of the normal aging processes occur and dementia appears as neural reserves are exhausted, remains to be seen. New techniques of molecular genetics provide a promising new approach for understanding AD in view of the evidence that there is a familiar factor present in the disease (4). In several studies, over one thi... ...scular disease, Parkinson’s disease, hydrocephalus, amyotrophic lateral and multiple sclerosis, and dementia’s resulting from tumors and brain injuries. In light of all this, with an aging population, it is clear to see the need for further study in order to gain a better understanding of the cause and parameters of AD. Works Cited: 1) Guela and M. Mesulam (1989). Cortical Cholinergic Fibers in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Morphometric Study. Neuroscience, Vol.33, No.3: pp. 469-481. 2.)Guela, C., Tokuno, H., Hersh, L., and Mesulam, M., (1990). Human Striatal Cholinergic Neurons In Development, Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain Research, 508: pp.310-312. 3.) Nappi, G., Sinforiani, E., Martigonoi, E., Petraglia, F., Rossi, F., Genazzani, A. R. (1988). Aging Brain and Dementia’s: Changes in Central Opioids. European Neurology. 28: pp.217-220.

Elements of Drama Essay

The Essential elements of drama are present in any play that you see, but the ideas have changed slightly over the years. Aristotle was the first to write about these essential elements, more than two thousand years ago, yet we still discuss his list when talking about what makes the best drama. Aristotle considered six things to be essential to good drama. Plot, Character, Theme, dialogue, music/rhythm and spectacle. In modern theater, this list has changed slightly, although many of the elements remain the same. The list of essential elements in modern theater are: * Character * Plot * Theme * Dialogue * Convention * Genre * Audience Plot: It is the sequence of events or incidents of which the story is composed. It refers to the action; the basic storyline of the play. Characters: They are the figures that acts in a play. a Flat character is known by one or two traits; a Round character is complex and many-sided; a Stock character is a stereotyped character; a Static character remains the same from the beginning of the plot to the end; and a Dynamic (developing) character undergoes permanent change. This change must be 1. within the possibilities of the character; 2. sufficiently motivated; and 3. allowed sufficient time for change. Theme: While plot refers to the action of the play, theme refers to the meaning of the play. Theme is the main idea or lesson to be learned from the play. In some cases, the theme of a play is obvious; other times it is quite subtle. Conflict: It is a clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills. A conflict is a person against person, a person against environment or a person against herself/himself. Spectacle: It refers to the visual elements of a play: sets, costumes and special effects. Spectacle is everything that the audience sees as they watch the play. Genre: Genre refers to the type of play. Some examples of different genres include, comedy,  tragedy, mystery and historical play. Dialogue: This refers to the words written by the playwright and spoken by the characters in the play. The dialogue helps move the action of the play along. Music/Rhythm: While music is often featured in drama, in this case Aristotle was referring to the rhythm of the actors’ voices as they speak. Convention: These are the techniques and methods used by the playwright and director to create the desired stylistic effect. Audience: This is the group of people who watch the play. Many playwrights and actors consider the audience to be the most important element of drama, as all of the effort put in to writing and producing a play is for the enjoyment of the audience.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization Essay

Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the Wto Case Study Analysis: Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO Case Study Analysis: Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization Ayman Naguib Abstract This case study analysis discusses the central issue of the case presented in the article, as well as the most relevant facts and assumptions with respect to the case under investigation. Furthermore, patterns that arise from reflection on these facts and assumptions with relation to external environment perspectives are described. The analysis also examines the consequences of not addressing the central issue of the case, and provides suggested actions in order to resolve it in the short and long term. Introduction The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been established as the world’s single international organization dealing with the rules and regulations governing trade between nations. In principal, the WTO is concerned with helping producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business within a competitive, non-discriminatory, open and transparent global trade framework. However, in reality, achieving these objectives is far from being e asy. The complexity of the WTO agreements signed by the majority of the world’s trading nations and collisions with national legislative frameworks, economic policies of the individual member states and political issues are the main hurdles in the way of achieving the objectives of the WTO. Consequently, several disputes have surfaced during the past decade. One of the most remarkable cases involved the Offshore Internet Gambling activities that take place in Antigua, a Caribbean island state. The importance of this case can be attributed to the fact that it was the first attempt by the WTO to examine cross-border electronic services as has been shown by Pontell, H., Geis, G., and Brown, G. (2007). The roots of the dispute between the USA and Antigua are undoubtedly related to the criminal prosecution of Jay Cohen, an American citizen that cofounded and ran an online gambling business licensed in Antigua. The basis of the prosecution was an alleged violation of the US Wire Act (U.S. Code, Title 18  §1604) (United States v. Cohen, 2001). The aforementioned statue was enacted in 1961, decades before the internet became publicly accessible. Antigua claimed that the USA has been using the complexity and opacity of its own legal system to deflect attention from the fundamental issue which is to retain revenues from internet Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO gambling within the US, which contradicts with the USA’s obligations as per the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) that the USA ratified. On the other hand, the USA claimed that the disputed activity poses financial and social threats to its citizens. Identification of the Central Issue While the GATS explicitly concedes the right of sovereign states to regulate and to devise laws on the supply of services within their countries to meet national policies and strategies (Krajweski and Marcus, 2003), aligning such regulations, legislative instruments and policies to the commitments of the individual states that are signatory to the GATS and vice versa is often a problematic affair that has led to a majority of the recent disputes handled by the WTO. This is clearly the case in the Internet Gambling dispute. Another issue is maintaining a balance between the special needs of developing and poorer countries and those of the richer and already developed countries, as far as the liberalization of service trade is concerned. Notably, a study of the WTO dispute settlement cases during the period from 1995 to 2006 (World Trade Organization [WTO], 2006) shows that the USA has been involved in approximately 38% of all disputes handled by the organization during that period. Most of these disputes involved developing countries. Notable Facts and Assumptions Based on a study of the facts and assumptions stated in the article, the following facts can be identified: ï‚ · ï‚ · The GATS was applicable to betting and gambling and the USA was in violation of the GATS treaty; The WTO mechanism allows sovereign states to restrict that trade of certain products or services that are deemed to pose risks to public morals and/or public order, provided that such products or services are the production of such products or rendering of such services should not be allowed domestically. However, as far as the USA is involved, gambling activities are permitted in several states, such as Nevada, Michigan and Ohio, amongst others; The American legal framework is complicated and somehow obscure due to the variation between State level laws and Federal laws; and The USA has ratified the GATS without making exclusions pertaining to gambling activities, unlike the Senegal which made an explicit exclusion in its agreement to rule out crossborder betting (WTO, 2005, p. 63); Similarly, the following assumptions can be pointed out: ï‚ · Antigua has demonstrated that it has devised rules and regulations aiming at addressing, as far as reasonably practicable, the concerns over fraud and under-age betting. In fact, the measures taken by the Antigua appear to be more stringent than those enforced within the US; Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO ï‚ · Suspicions have arisen as to the true motives behind the USA’s claims, which could indicate that the claim was driven by the desire to retain revenues generated from internet gambling; and Restrictions that the USA tried to impose over Internet gambling activities, would negatively affect the Antiguan economy. Arising Patterns and the External Environment The arising patterns suggest that on the technological environment, new technologies such as the internet and related technologies pose a challenge to national legislations and international regulatory frameworks which need to address the implications of such advancements. Furthermore, the political environment is affected by issues arising from the power that the more developed and rich nations try to exercise on poorer developing nations in order to enforce their national strategies, which can sometimes be in contradiction to the global inclination towards facilitating the growth of developing nations. As far as the economic environment is concerned, the consequences of such disputes may be greatly harmful for developing countries such as Antigua, compared to the impact it might have on developed nations such as the USA. For example, in 1999, 10 percent of Antigua’s gross national product (US$ 0.6 Billion) was generated from online gambling, which was equivalent to only 0.006 percent of the gross national product of the US during the same year. Consequences There are several consequences of not addressing the central issue identified in this analysis, the most significant amongst which is making agreements such as the GATS ineffective due to the collision between national interests of the more powerful countries and the brisk needs of developing countries. Furthermore, trade  imbalances and discriminatory global wealth distribution will be inevitable, which will clearly be inclined towards the more powerful and developed nations will have control. Recommended Actions In light of this analysis, the short-term actions that are suggested to resolve the central issue entail working towards streamlining the internet gambling business in Antigua in collaboration with the USA to ensure that concerns over fraud and underage gambling is reasonably addressed. Furthermore, the USA should adopt a more transparent approach that avoids double standards in deeming the legality of internet gambling. On the long term, an international framework is required in order to establish a more effective and transparent mechanism to maximise the alignment of national legislation with international treaties, without compromising the rights of each nation over its legislative instruments. Additionally, the WTO’s should enforce provisions that are meant to give developing nations a special and a more Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO lenient status when liberalisation of trade is concerned. These provisions should also be protected against unjust practices from developed nations. On the other hand, the WTO and particularly its developed nations’ members should assist developing countries to implement legislative reforms that ensure that such countries to achieve better governance and compliance in adopting more fair trade practices. Running Head: Case Study Analysis of the Offshore Internet Gambling and the WTO References CIA 2008. Antigua and Barbuda. The World Factbook, Updated August 7. Retrieved from Djordjevic M (2002) Domestic Regulation and Free Trade in Services – A Balancing Act. Legal issues on Economic Integration, vol 29, no 3. Krajweski, Marcus (2003). National Regulation and Trade Liberalization in Services: The Legal Impact of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) on National Regulatory Autonomy; Kluwer Law International, The Hague-London-New York. Lang, Andrew (2004) The GATS and Regulatory Autonomy:  A Case Study of Social regulation of the Water Industry, Journal of international Economic Law, 7(4). Mattoo Aaditya and Sauvà ¨, Pierre, Editors (2004. Domestic Regulation and Services Trade liberalization. World Bank and Oxford University Press. Pontell, H., Geis, G., and Brown, G. (2007). Offshore Internet gambling and the World Trade Organization: Is it criminal behavior or a commodity? International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 1(1), 119-136. Scott Sinclair and Jim Grieshaber-Otto (2002) Facing the Facts: A guide to the GATS Debate, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ottawa. World Trade Organization (2007). WTO Dispute Settlement : One-Page Case Summaries : 1995September 2006. Geneva: WTO Publications.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evil Doers or Evil Genes

Antisocial personality disorder s a mental health condition In which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. This behavior Is often criminal. Like all personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder Is a deeply Ingrained and enduring behavior pattern, manifesting as an Inflexible response to a broad range of personal and social situations This behavior represents an extreme or significant deviation from the way In which the average Individual In a given culture relates to others.This behavior pattern tends to be stable. It may not cause sub]ectlve distress, but does cause problems In social performance. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder often are divorced, have alcohol/drug abuse, anxiety, depression, unemployment, homelessness, and criminal behavior. However, some Individuals with this disorder rise to high posltlons of power In society by becoming masters ot manipulation and deceit. In childhood, these i ndividuals usually have oppositional defiant disorder, towards parents and eachers which develops into conduct delinquency in adolescence.This delinquency takes the torm ot reckless thrill-seeking, physical violence towards people or animals, and law-breaking. Most adolescent delinquents grow out ot this behavior as they enter adulthood. However, those that increase their delinquent behavior as they enter adulthood have their diagnosis changed from conduct disorder to antisocial personality disorder. In adulthood, these individuals become more antagonistic. They show an exaggerated sense of self-importance, insensitivity towards the feelings and eeds of others, and callous exploitation of others.Their increased manipulativeness, callousness, deceitfulness, and hostility repeatedly puts them at odds with other people An individual diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder needs to meet the following criteria, Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. Consistent Irresponsibility, as Indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations Lack of remorse, as Indicated by being Indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. Three percent of the population, or about 8,100,000 individuals In the united states have antisocial personality disorder. The National comorbldlty survey, which used DSM-III-R criteria, found that 5. 8% of males and 1 . 29t of females showed evidence of a Ilfetlme risk for the disorder.Prevalence estimates wlthln cllnlcal settings have varied from 39t to 30%, depending on the predominant characteristics of the populations being sampled. About ot men and ot women in the population have this disorder. Although in later adulthood, the more outward and aggressive symptoms ot ASPD may diminish and the person remain, thereby affecting the individual's role in society as well as all those who come n contact with him/her. The disorder tends to occur more often in men than in women, and in people whose predominant role model had antisocial features.The incidence of antisocial personality is higher in people who have an antisocial biological parent, parents with histories of drug and/or alcohol abuse and who physically and/or emotionally abused the individual during childhood. Abandonment may have been an issue for the person with ASPD Antisocial personality disorder is probably caused by a combination of factors. Having any of these characteristics oes not necessarily mean that a person has antisocial personality disorder. Influences from the environment can impact the onse t of this disorder.A chaotic family life contributes to the development of this personality disorder, especially where there has been little supervision from parents or other adult role models. The disorder also may be more common where the community is not supportive or provides little reward for positive behavior. Genetic or biological factors. Researchers have found certain physiological responses that may occur more frequently in people ith antisocial personality disorder. For example, they have a comparatively flat response to stress. They seem to get less anxious than the average person.Some researchers have found changes in the volume of brain structures that mediate violent behavior. People with this kind of brain function may thus have more difficulty restraining their impulses, which may account for the tendency toward more aggressive behavior. Neurobiologists cannot say with certainty that these variations in brain structure are a cause of antisocial personality. The vari ations could easily be he result of life experiences that are more common in people with this personality disorder rather than a cause.The cause of this disorder is unknown however, genetics and environmental factors influence its development. I believe that personality makes each individual special and consists of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Personality is forged during childhood via the interplay of genetics and environmental factors. Problems with inherited genetics or the early environment, such as significant exposure to abuse and/or violence, make it more likely that a ersonality disorder such as ASPD will develop. Therefore, I believe in order to understand the cause of ASPD, both genetics and the environment need to be explored.Dr. Martha Stout, in her book, â€Å"The Sociopath Next Door,† explains that a genetic predisposition for sociopath may already present at birth for some people. Determinations regarding how this increased risk for ASPD become expressed c ome from an individual's life experiences. We are accustomed to think of sociopaths as violent criminals, but in The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard psychologist Martha Stout eveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people†one in twenty-five†has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Wendy Citrarasa

PT. WENDY CITRARASA Alexandre Richard Arief Putratama Said Ryandiaz ACCOUNTING – 4 [pic] Campus BSD – City Bumi Serpong Damai – 15321 Island of Java – Indonesia June 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, we would like to thank God Almighty for His blessing during the process from the start until the end of the interview at PT. Wendy Citrarasa. Our group would also like to thank PT. Wendy Citrarasa, who managed to spare us some time for the interview and provide resources in order to finish the project. Especially to Mr.Ipeng Widjojo, the owner of Wendy’s for this opportunity. The knowledge came from this project has been a great opportunity on a real business example on a corporate marketing. Author also thank to Mr. Bernadus Agus Finardi (Swiss German University Marketing lecturer) for his assitance towards the project. In the end, we would like to apologize if there is any unintentional mistakes. It is our deepest expectation that this project paper may broaden up the knowledge of the readers and we appreciate any feedbacks. Thank you. BSD City, 2011 abstract PT. WENDY CITRARASA his paper are a compilation of what the student had learn during in class session with Mr. Bernardus Agus Finardi, and the interview with Mr. Ipeng Widjojo as the Head of PT. Wendy Citrarasa. The purpose of this paper is to make student able to understand more about marketing theory, and the marketing behind PT. Wendy Citrarasa. The interview was held on 26th may 2011 by Mr. Ipeng Widjojo himself. This project is expected to be submitted on 10th june 2011. The group are expected to anlyze the real case in indonesia from the perspective of Customer Driven Marketing Strategy.The extends of the topic includes some chapter in the Principle of Marketing book which are Company General Overview, Marketing Environment and Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix, Customer Driven Marketing Strategy, New-Products Development, Pricing Products: Understanding a nd Caputring Customer Value, and Advertising & Public Relations. a. Background 1. TOPIC’S BACKGROUND Fast food refers to food that can be prepared and served quickly. Fast food restaurants usually have a walk up counter or drive-thru window where you order and pick up your food.There is a lot of international fast food restaurants in Indonesia such as Mcdonalds, KFC, Burger King, and many more. Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers (simply known as Wendy's) is an international fast food restaurant founded by Dave Thomas on November 15, 1969, in Columbus, Ohio, United States. The company decided to move its headquarters to Dublin, Ohio, on January 29, 2006. As of March 2010, Wendy's was the world's third largest hamburger fast food chain with approximately 6,650 locations, following McDonald's 31,000+ locations and Burger King's 12,000+ locations.On April 24, 2008, the company announced a merger with Triarc, the parent company of Arby's. Despite the new ownership, Wendy's headquart ers remained in Dublin. Previously, Wendy's had rejected more than two buyout offers from Triarc Companies Inc. Following the merger, Triarc became known as Wendy's/Arby's Group, a publicly traded company. (RUPSLB), which was held on August 10, 2010. PT Wendy Citrarasa is the firm that covers all the Wendy’s franchise in Indonesia. Currently, it is owned by Ipeng Widjojo, who had studied in the Boston University back in the early 1990s 2. Interview PurposeThe purpose of the interview is to make student understand about marketing in reality and to make student learn about the process in the company. Added on, it will give student experience which be useful for student’s future. 3. methodology This report is a combination from what the writer has learned from university and during the interview period with Mr. Ipeng Widjojo 1. 4 Theory review According to some reliable references, Marketing is â€Å"the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communic ating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Marketing is a product or service selling related overall activities. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves. Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management.Marketing evolved to meet the stasis in developing new markets caused by mature markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries The adoption of marketing strategies requires businesses to shift their focus from production to the perceived needs and wants of their customers as the means of staying profitable. Ma rketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management. 1. 5 company general overviewWendy’s/Arby’s Group, Inc. is the nation’s third largest quick service restaurant company and is comprised of the Wendy’s and Arby’s brands, two companies distinguished by traditions of quality food and service. The company, with approximately $12 billion in system-wide sales, owns or franchises over 10,000 restaurants. Approximately 77% of Wendy's restaurants are franchised, the majority of which are located in North America. Wendy's and its affiliates employ more than 46,000 people in its global operations. In fiscal year 2006, the firm had $2. 469 billion (USD) in total sales.While Wendy's sets standards for exterior store appearance, food quality and menu, individual owners have con trol over hours of operations, interior decor, pricing and staff uniforms and wages. Wendy’s arrived in Indonesia back in 1992. In 1997, Wendy’s Indonesia franchise was bought by PT Sirat. Back in year 2006, PT Wendy Citrarasa bought the franchise from PT Sirat. Currently, it has 26 outlets, which covers some major cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, and Surabaya. [pic] Wendy’s current logo [pic][pic] 1. 5. 1 vision of WENDY’STo continuously grow stakeholder value by leveraging the strengths of our vibrant, independent restaurant brands 1. 5. 2 mission of wendy’s People Maintain aligned, people-driven culture and values. ?Attract, retain, and develop top talent. ?Offer performance-driven compensation and rewards. Brands Support independent, relevant, and healthy brands focused on sales growth and profitability. Select and support excellent brand leadership (CEO, President, CMO, etc. ). Profitability Set metrics for performance in sales and profits (EBITDA). ?Maintain a lean and efficient support organization.Growth Provide strategies and resources for growth initiatives (new units, remodels, day part expansion, other new platforms, international expansion, refranchising, etc. ).? Seek acquisitions of other brands and opportunities for growth. Value Establish metrics for creating shareholder value. Provide attractive franchisee ROI/value and competitive business models. Demonstrate community-minded citizenship, and giving back by sharing the wealth. 1. 5. 3 WENDY’S CORE VALUE Integrity We pledge honesty, integrity and ethical behavior in everything we do. AccountabilityWe hold ourselves and our teams accountable to deliver positive results. Respect We treat people the way we would like to be treated. Responsibility We believe in giving back to improve the quality of life in our communities. Innovation We strive to become better every day, both personally and in the services and products we produce. Teamwork We are willing to put the team and the team’s needs before our own needs. Opportunity We believe in creating opportunity for our people to reach their full potential. B. Marketing Environment & Analysis 1. Microeconomics – The companyTalking about interrelated groups such as top management, finance, research & development (R&D), purchasing, operations, and accounting, Wendy’s Restaurant have the internal environment as follow : [pic] From above, we can see that Wendy’s restaurant has five departments, which are marketing, operational, bussiness development, supply chain, and finance. Esspecially for the marketing department, they work closely with other departments in making decision in marketing strategies, and all of the interrelated departments have an impact on the marketing department’s plan and action.They work to achieve goals which is customer value and satisfaction. Supplier Talking about the supplier of Wendy’s Restaurant , it will be closely to the material of the foods & drinks and others properties. Generally, 20% of food materials is still imported. For the basic material of the recipe, like cheese, seasoning (chili, tomato), etc, it is imported from the international supplier. The reason is due to the taste of those imported material is different from the local material, and if Wendy’s use the local material, it causes the different original recipe of Wendy’s menu.Similarly, Wendy’s also imported beef from the international supplier, and the reason is same, which is the different taste. While, they use local supplier for the chicken. Marketing Intermediaries They have no marketing intermediaries because they only sale their product by their own store. Customer The customer of Wendy’s is consumer market which consist of individual and household that buy foods and drinks for personal consumption. Competitor They said that the competitor of Wendy’s is all the fast food restaurant such as McDonalds, A&W, Burger King, etc.They claim that they have the superiority in some menu like burger, baked potatoes compare to their competitor. Public General public which is Wendy’s need to be concern about general pabric attitude toward its product and activities because the public image of the Wendy’s will affect its buying. 2. Macroevironment Demographic Environment Based on survey, Wendy’s menu can attract all gender, but for the age they said that old people prefer some less oil menu like baked potato, salad and soup while the younger people prefer the menu like burger, fried chicken, and french fries. Economic EnvironmentTalking about economic condition of their consumer especially in Indonesia Wendy’s has segmentation to reach middle up class. Natural Environment Is natural resources that are needed as inputs by Wendy’s such as meat, vegetables, and seasoning food material. Technological Environment Is a forces tha t create new technologies, creating new product and market oportunities. As a fast food restaurant, Wendy’s has use some technology that supported its operating process. For example: when customer order the food, the waitress directly tell to the other part of kitchen using mic which relates him to the staff in the kitchen.So, kitchen staff can make the food order faster. Political Environment Is laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organization and individuals in a given society. Especially in Indonesia, the laws that closely related to the food business is about â€Å"Halal†. So, in implementing their business, Wendy’s sale the halal product to attract their customer in Indonesia. Cultural environment Is made up institution and other forces that affect society’s basic values, perseption, preferences, and behaviour.Wendy’s as a branch of West culture restaurant has been sucsessful bringing its own culture to Indonesia. We can see that condition from many Indonesian people like the western food including Wendy’s restaurant. Generally the influence of microenvironment and macroenvironment for the company is about how Wendy’s restaurant can research, plan, and implement their marketing strategy by considering both of the environment in order to achieve customer value and satisfaction. While, the obstacle of microenvironment and macro environment for Wendy’s restaurant is: (CompetitorWendy’s must compete to many fast food restaurant in Indonesia. Such as McDonald, KFC, Burger King, CFC, A&W, etc which has their own specialty. So, Wendy’s has to improve their quality and promotion to achieve customer value and satisfaction. (Political Wendy’s has to face many rules and laws in Indonesia which can limit the freedom to make the creativity of their own menu. C. Marketing Mix Chapter 3 Marketing Environment The microenvironment in Wendy’s will help Wendy’s to build relationship with customers. Because all of the streams of company’s environment will connect with the marketing team.The company’s has all interrelated groups of people. The company has suppliers from Indonesia and foreign countries. They still need the US for the burgers because the taste of beef is very elastic in accordance of geographical side. These suppliers are very different in behavior, needs, interests, and everything. The marketing intermediaries help to promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing service agencies, and financial intermediaries. In Wendy’s they only have physical distribution firms marketing service agencies, and financial intermediaries.Marketing service agencies is fully controlled and walk solely with other division. And also banks is in company’s important role. The customers hold a very important role in the life of the company. The company will surely give the customers best service, quality and everything that counts into account to make the customers loyal to the company. Mr. Widjojo says that quality that is the one thing that attracts customers. The competitors of Wendy’s are the other fast food companies like Kentucky Fried Chicken, A&W, McDonald’s, and other domestic food channels like Hoka-Hoka Bento, and so on.Chapter 4 Wendy’s have its own marketing information system to support the daily operations of Wendy’s. Because of the many division Wendy’s have, they need its own marketing information system to help the. Information system will create better information for the marketing team and in the end, the marketers will have better target, and win the goal of company’s challenge. Wendy’s keep daily sales and transfer the data to the headquarters. So they can budget and give approximation for the stocks of food in the store. So, internal database is very crucial in the company’s aim to have better service.In other words, Wendy’s does market research on the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data in marketing to improve the effectiveness of selling. When Wendy’s wants to launch a new product, they always start it with doing market research and take information from customers. Usually Wendy’s does survey research. And take sample from it, which is their customer. After that the information is given to the market researchers. And make something out of the research. Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior The customer’s cultural factors aren’t applied in Wendy’s.Because everybody’s with middle – middle-upper economic power will buy their product. Do not affect about occupation, gender, age, lifestyles, personality, everybody is willing to buy Wendy’s because Wendy’s is very for everybody. Wendy’s does not take segmented markets for limited buyer, for example, bacons, pork, and something like that. And that helps the market to feel that it’s for everybody. There’s no limitation of buyers. Chapter 7 Customer Driven Marketing Strategy Wendy’s market segmentation is for middle – middle-upper segment. And people will buy if they have the power of buying.And for big middle-up families that want to gather around. Wendy’s position itself in the market different than the other fast food competitors like Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s, A&W, etc. quality is their pinpoint of marketing. Most middle-upper consumers are smart buyers. They can choose what’s good and not. So, Wendy’s does not want to deceive the customers by reducing the quality. So, Wendy’s set the customers as their exemplary. Value that Wendy’s given to customers are value in a way. People does not think about the â€Å"a little bit pricey† price, because consumers believe that the price is okay with the quality they give to them.Chapter 8 Branding Strategy The brand is well-known in the world and it has been in Indonesia since 1980s. And every part of the world is held by one franchisee. So it is not so difficult to market the product. But every part of country has its unique product by geographical side. Chapter 10 Pricing Products: Pricing Strategies The price set by Wendy’s Citra Rasa is based on research, and the value they give in the service, food and everything else they put into their food. Factors to consider when setting prices were very vast. There is value based pricing; good value pricing and value added pricing.Value based pricing uses buyers’ perception of value, not the sellers’ cost as the key to pricing. Value-based pricing means that the marketer cannot design / make a product and marketing program and set the price. Price is considered along with other marketing mix variables before the mark eting program is set. [pic] Good value pricing offers the right combination and quality and good service at a fair price. For example, Burger King offers value meal for less than the total of the selected food. In other words, good value pricing give the consumers more quality for the same price or more quality for even less.Value added pricing is a way to build pricing power, to escape the price competition and to justify higher prices and margins without losing market share. It’s better not to cut prices to challenge competitors, but to give value added services and then, support higher prices. Even nowadays it is not always about price, but to keep customers loyal by giving them service that others do not give to them So, in this company’s case, all of the above strategies is used by Wendy’s Citra Rasa. They give customers what they want, and give them service and quality customers do not get anywhere else.Mr. Ipeng said that in Wendy’s everything is d ifferent than the other restaurant in Indonesia. â€Å"It is all about timing. † everything was timed and very precise. The timing is the quality Wendy’s give into service to customers. It promises the customer what is the goodness and healthiness of the food they eat. Also, Wendy’s marketing team uses a strategy they called, Customer Testing Profile. This strategy is used to give random customers a free sample of new product to test. They compiled customer’s opinion and give report to the headquarters.And the headquarters give commands to other division, say, operational division, and then, the decision is taken whether the new product should be launched or not. All the sales daily report is given to the headquarters. In that case, they can decide when to raise the price. Wendy’s can raise the price by monthly sales journal, and check which are the bestseller products in every stores. When they know it, usually they raise the price Rp 1000  œ Rp 5000. Chapter 15 Advertising & Public Relation Wendy’s Citrarasa has its own marketing and advertising division.This division controls all the design, public relations, and everything that is connected to communicating to customers. The main advertising objective is to make people interested in the product they create. Strategies Wendy’s have applied to their advertising method is †¢ The advertising strategy that they have done up to now is always below the line. They haven’t ever tried above the line (TV ads). Unlike any other fast food rivals, that have tried above the line and getting mediocre response, Wendy’s always does below the line but it has gain some serious markets in it. Routine type of adverts that they have applied to their stores is for example, when people come to their store, the waiter / cashier always ask and give customers recommendation of new products so they can try their new products. And Wendy’s store manager tri ed to ask the customers’ feedback by asking how good is the food today, etc. †¢ Promotional, they applied some method in running their business also, for example, free upsize for drinks and French fries for buying the new mushroom cheese burger.It is promotional because it is only for a limited time, and soon the promotion terminated. In the ads problem, Wendy’s has never encountered any problem. The downside is, sometimes the advertising is so good until the stock of food they run is empty. And they cannot serve customers no more. It happens when new products has been launched. D. Marketing Strategies 1. Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Inside Before implementing their marketing strategies / information to customer, Wendy’s do the research of what their customers like, especialy in Western menu.Then they also compare their menu to the competitor, so what the competitor sale will be considered by Wendy’s. Wendy’s also implement their marketing research by looking for the problem that appears (among their stores, their customers, their suppliers, their own managements, and other things) that can hamper their operation. Information system is very important for Wendy’s which can provide the actual data happened. For examples: the complete data of sales which consist of what product sold, kind of product sold, highest sales among 26 stores.One of terminology that Wendy’s has is â€Å"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail†. That terminology always remember by their company before doing marketing research. That words means that the marketing strategy and plan are the main basic for implementing the marketing action because if Company’s makes a mistake in doing the marketing planing, it will make the bad effects of marketing action which cause the failure. For detail the ways that Wendy’s do marketing research as follow: – Defining the problem and research objectivesMarke ting research projects might have one of 3 types of objectives which are : to gather preliminary information that will help defines problems and suggest hypoteses (exploratory research); to better describe marketing problems, situation, or markets, such as the market potential for a product or demographic and attitudes of consumers (descriptive research); to test hypotesis about cause-and-effect relationship (causal research) – Developing the research plan Research objectives must be translated into spesific information needs. The research plan should be presented in written proposal.A written proposal is especially important when the research project is large and complex or when an outside firm carries it out. The proposal should cover the management problem addresed and the research objective, the information to be obtain, and the way the result will help management decision making. The proposal also should include research cost. – Gathering secondary data Secondary data is information that already exist somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. For example: Wendy’s use the data of population demographic in Indonesia. – Primary data collectionPrimary data is information collected for spesific purpose at hand. Some research approach of primary data collection are observational research, ethnographic research, survey research, experimental research. Wendy’s use survey research which is gathering primary data by asking people question about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior. – Implementing the research plan The researcher puts the marketing research plan into action. This involve collecting, processing, and analysing the information. Researcher should watch closely to make sure that the plan is implemented correctly.Researcher must also process and analysis the collected data to isolate important information and findings. – Interpreting and reporting the finding Researcher m ust interpret the findings, draw conclusion, and report them to management. Researcher should present important findings that are useful in the major decision faced by management. Managers and researcher must work together closely when interpreting research result, and both must share responsibility for the research process and resulting decision, 2. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behaviour. The kinds of characteristic that affecting consumer behaviour is: – AgeYounge people prefer menu like burger, fried chicken, french fries, and softdrink while the older customer prefer some food which has less oil like salad, baked potatoes and soup. It is because the age influence the physical and health condition of people. So, older people prefer some food that can bring the healthiness for them. But, whatever the product is both of them are prioritizing the quality. – Economic The consumer market of Wendy’s is middle up class because comparing to the other Indonesia food restaurant the price of Wendy’s restaurant is higher than them.The motives of the buyer that affect the willingness to buy the Wendy’s product is physicological needs which is hunger and thirst. Especially the drive or motive of customer to fulfill physical need through Wendy’s is a quality offered and the kind of the menu that the competitor don’t have it. The process going before customer going to buy Wendy’s product is: – Need recognition Is the first state of the buyer decision process, in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need, in this case hunger and thirst. – Information searchIs the stages of a buyer decision process in which the consumer is arrowsedto search for more information; the consumer may simply have heightened attention or may go into active i nformation search. In this case the consumer of Wendy’s have decide to find the food and drink which can satisfy them from hunger and thirsst, so they wil l pay more attention to the advertising of restaurant through website, brochure, and also the location of restaurant. – Evaluation of alternatives Is the stages of buyer decision process in which the consumer use information to evaluate alternatives brand in the choise sets.Consumer swill face some choise of restaurant that can fulfill their needs, generally they will evaluate the kind of western food or Indonesian food or other kind food. And then after they choose Western food, they will evaluate again some brands of the similar food which is the competitors of Wendys such as McDonald, KFC, A&W, Burger King, CFC, etc. – Purchase decision Is the buyer decision about which brand to purchase. Generally, the consumer purchase decision will be to buy the most preffered brand, but 2 factors can come between the purchase intention and purchase decision.The first action is the attitude of others. In this case if the customer’s friends think that he should buy the spec ial menu at Wendy’s then the chances of his buying at other restaurant are reduce. The second factor is unexpected situational factor. The consumer may form a purchase intention based on factor such expected income, expected price, and expected program benefit. In this case if the consumer friend promote or tell him that there are discunt at Wendy’s then he will have the intention to buy Wendy’s product. – Postpurchase BehaviourIs the stages of the buyer decision process in which the consumer takes further action after purchase base on their satisfaction or disatisfaction. The answer lies in the relationship between the consumer expectation and the product percieved performance. If the products fall short of expectation, the consumer is dissapointed; if it meets expectation the consumer is satisfied; if it axceeds expectation, the consumer is delighted. The management of Wendy’s says that almost consumer of Wendy’s will be satisfied even mor e delighted because they guarantee that Wendy’s give the best quality to their consumer.So, they’re sure that their customer will satisfied and doing the repeat consumption. 3. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy – Market segmentation Dividing a market into smaller groups with distinc needs, characteristic, or behaviour who might require separate products or marketing mix. a. Demographic The demographic segmentation consist of gender (male and female), age (range of ages), etc. b. Geographic Tha geographic segmentation consist of America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. – Market targeting Now Wendy’s must evaluate the various segment and decides how many and which segment it can serve best. . Demographic Wendy’s has a segmentation of universal gender (male and female), all ages. b. Geographic Wendy’s restaurant covers the America, Europe and Asia region. – Differentiation and positioning Product position is the way the produ ct is defined by consumers on important attribute, the places the products occupies in consumers minds relatives to competing product. Wendy’s has the position of their product in quality and has various menu which common competitor did not have. Such as baked potato. 4. Product, services, and branding strategy. – ProductThe product that offer by Wendy’s is consumer product which is product bought by final consumer for personal consumption. The type of consumer product is convinience product that the customer usually buys frequently, immediately, and with a minimum of comparison and buying effort. In this case the product is fast food which often placed in many location to make customer Wendy’s readly available when customer needs them. – Branding Brand equity is the positive differencial that knowing the brand name has on customer’s respond to the product or service.Wendy’s Indonesia is a franchise of international Wendy’s so the the brand name just follow the original brand. The choose of the brand name â€Å"Wendy’s† base on the reason of simple word (only using one word) to make the customer remember the brand easily. E. Role as an Accountant to help Wendy’s Accounting division in wendy’s is under finance division. Wendy’s finacnce division is straight under mr. Ipeng’s supervision. The directed division creates the division to be one of the high leveled side of company. They collaborate with all division to create budgets and all of the financial matters of the company.Not only in sales probelms but also in company’s staff welfare. All the company’s incentives, fee, and wages is hed by this important division The finance and accounting will help the marketing to plan the budget and give the funding to the respective division that needs it. All the funding are checked and revised by the accounting and finance division. All flow of monetary stream s are going in one way, It’s finance division In order to create good environment for the company to run its business, the company must have all the resources needed to create it.Accountants must have the authority to give consents to other division. So there is no fraud or collusion around the company. Accounting division must have everything that happens in the company for all Inventory, slips, checks, everything that goes into the action important to the company. Accountants must have the authority to take all proves and bank slips in order to have lower control risk as well as to lower inherent risks. Every loans, borrowings, charity in and out to the company always have to report it to finance and accounting division. It is needed to have credibility to run the company.F. Summary & Recommendation Wendy’s has been one of the biggest fast food restaurants all over the world. It arrived in Jakarta back in 1992 and PT Sirat bought it in 1997. PT Wendy Citrarasa took o ver Wendy’s Indonesia in 2006. Wendy’s restaurant has five departments, which are marketing, operational, bussiness development, supply chain, and finance. Esspecially for the marketing department, they work closely with other departments in making decision in marketing strategies, and all of the interrelated departments have an impact on the marketing department’s plan and action.G. References www. wikipedia. com www. wendys. com Kotler, Philip, & Gary Armstrong. 2009. Principles of Marketing. 12th Edition. ———————– Wendy’s Pacific Place, Jakarta Wendy’s Braga, Bandung Marketing Director Finance Director Owner Supply Chain Director Operational Director Bussiness Development Director Marketing Comm. Manager Graphic Designer District Manager Store Manager 1 Store Manager 2 Store Manager 3 Store Manager 26 Project Manager Architec Purchasing Manager Logistic Manager Finance Accountancy